Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Cinema 4D Lesson 1 : Logo

Cinema 4D gives you excess of quick reality foundation, it allows you to be creative and it does not get in the way of creativity. We will be working through illustrator first to create out simple logo design in an outline path. I made a simple typeface, then selected type above on tools and clicked outline then object and ungroup. This way it will be more effected to work on cinema 4D, for example incase we wanted to make one a letter different than the others. I then saved my work and made sure that I had changed the version of the Illustrator to Illustrator 8 otherwise It would not work. 

Also we had to create a file structure called 'Cinema 4D logos', and in this folder we made three separate folders called artwork, C4D and output. Artwork folder is for thing such as logos and the output is the outcome of the logo. Cinema 4D is like a virtual workspace, with unlimited potential.

Render settings is the first thing we was advised to work on as I can change my art board. I noticed in the screen that I got a light area and a dark area, the light box is the render able area so that is to show me where I will am working on. I got frame range and because we are only creating one picture, I just need to set it to current frame. On the right side I could see mode and when I clicked on view settings, I was able to change the action safe to 90%. Title safe is for old fashion TV show but like modern TV is what I chose for action safe. The reason we need this is because good practise keeps the picture out of the edges. 

It is a good idea to save the folder that is already prepared with the settings so it may be easier to excess.  Then save as logo onto the cinema 4D folder. Then click file merge to open up my illustrator work, which means importing my work in. 1 cm scale is the rule, when pressing ok, my logo appeared in the screen as an outline however without colours. The logo itself is been imported as a group and so when you click on the '+' sign I can open the paths for my logo which is the layers.

The main purpose of bringing the outline from the illustrator it is to show that I can bring work already done into the program. However, I can still generate a text from the cinema 4D already. 

To gain colour on my work, I double clicked on the bottom rectangle box and a circle box appeared called ‘Mat’. To change colour I just moved the arrows to the area for the tone of colour I wanted. Then I had dragged the circle of colour to the object I wanted to add colour to. In order to put colours into layers I can do the exact same thing. 

The lightening studio will make more of this graphic so we were advised by Jay  create a camera before the lightening. However before this I had to  set up the way I would want my logo to be viewed and then clicked on the camera and get different views then click the black dots which will return to the original view. Then add in the light.

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