Friday, 4 December 2015

Theory as Practise Seminar: Beth's Essay planning

150 words - which summarises the essay. What it will be about. 

350 words - Introduction about the essay, a detailed section what it is aiming for and the intentions.

Lecture with Beth: Steps for a good essay. 

Step 1.

Research: Online, inter web and books (library). All this research will get referenced. 

Step 2.

Planning (the writing process) : Mind map or road map. Before you start writing it could make a real difference. You could use it to guide you writing. 

Step 3. 

Draft: Rough writing of introduction essay before refining.

Step 4. 


Step 5.

Submit essay.

Beth's writing process steps:

Understand and analyse assignment title. Reading and Research. Make notes. Make assignment plan. Proofread final draft and check reference. Write draft. Edit Draft. Final changes and submit.

Describe keyword : looking up theories and describing it and evaluate: You will be doing a lot of thinking and using your opinion. 

5 Step plan:

1. Identify the subject. 
2. Identify the instruction. 
3. Identify the key aspects. 
4. Look for significant words. 
5. Ask questions. 


To give the reason for : key word "account". 
Given date: which date are we interested in. 
What it is about: "Policy privatisation".
What are we interested in?: "emergence".

Your essay : 
History through a set of theories or perspectives. Important words are history and through. The history that was going on at that time. 

Writing your own essay title:
Choose a subject. Choose an instruction word. Key aspect. Significant words - limit the scope (e.g. dates, places ect). Ask questions - check it with your tutor (run it by rob, you got to check if it will work). 

Structuring your essay. 
Essay title. (it will remind you about the subject)
Introduction. (A paragraph is fine if it does all that an introductions should do)
Body. (Various points in your paragraphs, 5 points)

Writing an introduction:
Why: Orientate your reader to your essay. Show the reader you are answering the question.

What and how?: Provide a bit of background. State the aims of the essay ( This essay will…. account for the essay of medication… blah). Outline your plan.

Writing introduction: Draw together your argument or your main points. Give them the answer even if you already gave them the answer as you was going through. Is blah blah really good… ? 

What and how?: Recap on aims ( this essay has). Summarise main ideas. 
State your conclusion (what have you found) …Overall…blah blah does not live up to .. 

Academic writing style. 
Do use: Formal language, 3rd person (the essay will discuss) and references. 
Do not use: Contractions: Didn't, it's.., 1st and 2nd person: I,me,my,we,you, Run on expressions "and so forth, "ext" and Direction questions. 

Academic skills tutors :, 01484473704 and Tech building, room  T1/01a, computer room. 

Why reference? 

Reference is to show all that research you have done.

To show and support your points

To enable readers to follow up and read original text

To get a good mark

In-text citations (Messier,2003) - What goes in the brackets: The name of the author and the year of the publication. Summarising & paraphrasing and If you take an exact quotation from the book. Even if it is your own words you still have to say where you got the reference from. 

References need the book name too, example Roberts,D.F. (1985).Nutritional adaptation in man. London: John Libbey.

Also put the reference earlier on so we are not waiting where the reference is from. Even if the reference has been used, you have to technically use the the reference again. 

Reference List is Alphabetical order.

Other ways of writing int-text citations : Right after authors name write the year
According to brown (2001) there is a tendency in modern Tv Society to oversimplify. 
Brown (2001) points out that there is a tendency in modern TV society.

"Brown( (2001) claims" - it can seem like you are disagreeing with them

If you have no year you ca use (James, n.d.) means no date. 

Small quotes (less than 40 words) 
Use double Quatation marks. Write the page number too where the quote is from. 

When you have a big quote you indent the quote to show if there is a second paragraph. 

How to reference images: Figure 1: My bed (Emin,2005)

Reference builders and guides : hud library website, My reading, Summon , Easybib app- great for books, MS word tools and Apa guides. 

Nothing: your own idea and words, Reference only (hahaha,2008) summary in your own words, "quotation" + Reference = Direct quotation

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