This something I decided to work on after being inspired by Ellen Gallagher who is an American Artist. Her work 'Wiglette' inspired me to work on this piece because her practice is concerned with a desire to reclaim the image of black histories and black people's confidence as a whole. The whole subject matter is something that I can relate to because It is something I am going through right now which is low confidence in looks. I know many other black females that have been through it their lives and some that are already 40's are still going through it. For example black persons hair is very curly, so curly that you will not be able to tell until you get up close. I just recently started to accept my hair texture, i stopped putting in relaxer in my hair which is chemical to straighten your hair for 4 months (Not healthy for your hair, it can even cause cancer) but this is what many Black women use because of the strong influence western media. You keep seeing women of different colour on the T.V and as a kid you assume that it is a specific look that is only beautiful.
I know that the media is major play in beauty standards and many women are heavenly effect by this to the point of getting surgeries. I want women to know that you are not ugly just because you do not see your looks on the media, the media is always going to strive for a certain look even if half of the people in charge of media have the opposite features to what they advertise. The purpose of these cards is to bring women together, those who have went through low self-esteem and found something that helped them overcome it because this is exactly what could help other women that are still experiencing it. The women who been overcoming will write in a card that they will need to stick on the wall for others to see because someone who has low-self esteem may read other peoples experiences and maybe look into it.
I want the women to know what the media's role is in their life. It is not their to help us, it is there to advertise their way of doing things especially when it comes to look. So that is why the title for cards is "Media, the seed of low Self-esteem". I used a pattern I personally made last year because I took an interest in pattern designs. I think the pattern fits very well, it shows a girl theme, but looking closely to these nothing effectively stands out for me except the last image so I wanted to improve the look of it.
I found this more effecting in grabbing attention especially from women. It is an eye grabber for my target audience. The type was influence by Japans traditional ways of laying out text. The title went from "Media, the seed of low Self-esteem" to "Autonomous Reassurance Letter", I figured this explains to more about the card instead propaganda approach. I love the layout and design of my card and wish to see what they would look like printed out in different materials. I went back to the original pattern design and found that it blended in better.
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