Wednesday, 20 April 2016

The Real Anatomy of Technology

The Real Anatomy of Technology

Mads Peitersen is a multimedia, Danish artists, who illustrated series of combination relating to anatomical biology with technology. This illustration featured popular electronics that we see in our new generation; Play Station, X-box, IPhone, game controller, camera and more. The illustration are of dissected technology revealing what we can see are human body parts such as the bones and livers etc. Now that may a very different and crazy look but if we went into depth into thinking what it could be depicting, then I would say this could be the real anatomy of today’s most popular used technology. I say this because I think it is showing how humanity could not live without it and we are getting deeply attached that it could even be seen as addictive. The idea is that these gadgets are becoming so advanced and cool today that we almost treat them as if they were alive. In a way users become attached to them. I believe that after you have had your iPhone or your Xbox 360 for a while you slowly begin to see yourself as connected to these brands or gadgets. They almost become an extension of yourself or your hands. It is the feeling that we connect and attach to these machines individually. The metaphor is that a really rather simple and very dead gadget gives people a feeling of being more present, more alive. And they relate in larger degree with these gadgets almost on a par with a pet or a friend. We have started to see these technologies as one of us. His illustration makes the viewer’s question today’s society and what we do in our spare time. I think that Peitersen work is very clever and creative, in the beginning you are attracted by the colours and also at the bizarre combination but when you take the into trying to figure out why Peitersen did this, it could lead you into thinking.   

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