Sunday, 3 April 2016

Analogue Communique 3-D Lesson 3

Continuing on from my previous lesson where I experimented with with rice on red card paper. I liked my second experiment where I had added two meaning as in the word I am communicating, 'Rice' and 'Nice', because rice is nice. I had decided to play around with this experiment more and to see if maybe it could be improved in a way that it can stand out. So I created a stop motion gif clip of the design process of my 3-D type. I had used photoshop timeline 'Create Frame Animation', where I placed all the images from my phone. I used my phone to take the photos of each different movement or thing I had done whilst creating the type. Before I started to create my gif, I edited the all the photos quality with brightness and contrast effect on photoshop, I prefer the contract all the way to 100 because the red turns bright.

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