Wednesday 17 February 2016

Rock Floral Pattern

This is work continued from my interest in patterns. This design however is inspired by a rock I just happened to see in my back garden and it was blooming with little daisy's, I thought it was pretty cool and cute so decided to create in a pattern to see what outcome I could get.  Initially I just stuck to the rock design but further into I had added in geometric shapes which made my work stand out more, it did not look too simple anymore. I really liked my black and white one, the outcome made more want to create more pattern. I also added my work in one of my work from 'A conversation' brief idea which was on beauty standards. I made a info graphic on this idea which was to inform women more about beauty standards and how it is damaging us and I thought it was a good idea to add in something in the background so it was obvious my graphic was aimed for women. Below is the unfinished work. 

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